
Friday, May 19, 2017

My Town Shootout

My Town Shootout

May 19: Escape Where do people from your town escape to during weekends and holidays?

We have so many resort destinations from the exotic to the tacky.

There are so many places to go when you want to escape the big city of Toronto. Although, as a city girl, yeah, I said that last week too, I don't know why anyone would want to escape.

Unless it was a quick flight to NYC or Chicago or you could hop into a car and go up north to the Muskokas or take the train to Niagara on the Lake of Stratford for theatre. I could go on and on.

I'll pick the one that everyone wants to go to when they visit Toronto! NIAGARA FALLS!

The sublime!

The crowds.

The tacky (but fun).


  1. It's been years since I've been to the Falls. Last time I passed through the whole side show aspect of it all to get to a shop out in the Lundy's Lane area. I like that most of the sideshow is kept away from the falls itself.

  2. Like our pictures, Jackie. I only visited the Falls once, back in the early 1980's. It was great. We were on a 'Great Circle' trip, from Houston, TX, to the Carolinas, up through Philadelphia and Washington DC on to NYC. Then up through Boston to Maine and NH over to Buffalo and to the Falls, then over more through Canada to Detroit and down to Nebraska (parents lived there) and back to Texas through Louisiana (SIL lived there). It was in our 1976 Plymouth Volare with way over 150K miles on it, and with a hole in the floor boards that Mrs. Jim was afraid of falling through. I had a rubber matt up there so she shouldn't have been worried.


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