
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

June Monthly City Theme

This month's theme  Linking up with City Daily Photo.

June - Nature

Mother Nature puts on one (of her many) spectacular show in the spring when all the trees burst into life!
Spring comes at many different times around the world. Here in Toronto, it is April before we are treated to the cherry blossoms bursting with annual hope.

In 1959, the Japanese ambassador to Canada, Toru-Hagiwara, presented 2000 Japanese Somei-Yoshino Sakura trees to the citizens of Toronto on behalf of the citizens of Tokyo. The trees were planted in appreciation of Toronto accepting re-located Japanese-Canadians following the Second World War. Many of these trees were planted on the hillside overlooking Grenadier Pond (southwest of the Grenadier Café) and around the east shore of the pond.
It gets very crowded and there are traffic jams at all entrances to the park.

Dec – Gift
Nov - Rock ‘n’ Roll
Oct - Sensual
Sept - Photographing the Photographer
Aug - Young at Heart
July - Motion
June - Nature
May - Let’s Eat!
Apr - Wet
Mar - Black and white in color (images that look B+W but are really in color)
Feb - Loving life
Jan - Photo of the Year


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