
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

February Monthly City Theme

This month's theme  Linking up with City Daily Photo.

February - Loving Life

Taken January 2017 in Las Vegas.


Dec –  Gift
Nov - Rock ‘n’ Roll
Oct - Sensual
Sept - Photographing the Photographer
Aug - Young at Heart
July - Motion
June - Nature
May - Let’s Eat!
Apr - Wet
Mar - Black and white in color (images that look B+W but are really in color)
Feb - Loving life
Jan - Photo of the Year


  1. Great interpretation for the theme day! It's been cold and snowy here (though not really *Canadian* cold) and I haven't been motivated to get out and take new pictures. I am featuring shots from my SE Asia tour though. Hope you'll keep stopping by. :)


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