
Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday Finds

1. Starts with Y

2. Week's Favorite

3. Festive

The first two will be the same, except we’ll work our way through the alphabet. The second can be a favorite image or activity from the week. The third will be different each time.

Friday Finds ABC Wednesday

Starts with Y - continuing our tour of Toronto.

Yo-Yo Ma Lane runs across from the Music Garden he helped design. Click here to see photos of the Music Garden from this summer.

Week's Favourite - that is hard to pick this week We're in Florida for a month and did several attractions this week.
Taken by y husband, at Universal Studios. I like the naturalness of it.

Festive - there's no shortage of festival photos here in Kissimmee!
This was taken in Celebration, a Disney developed town.


  1. I didn't know there was a street named for him!

  2. I, too, didn't know that Yo Yo Ma had a lane named after him. I would love to visit his music garden - I've seen pictures and read about it but have never visited. He is one of my favourite musicians, and the cello is probably my most favourite instrument. I can always relax listening to Yo Yo Ma. Enjoy your time in Florida - I could do without the snow right now!

  3. Yo-Yo Ma is or was in Rochester this sold out as soon they were available. Is it Dora, my Granddaughter would know! Enjoy the festive sunshine.

  4. What a great time to be somewhere warm! Love the image of the kid with the kids. Great picture of the the two of you. Thanks so much for joining in. Hope you have a great week!


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