
Friday, April 1, 2016

Photo Friday Finds

1. Starts with N
2. Week's Favorite

The first two will be the same, except we’ll work our way through the alphabet. The second can be a favorite image or activity from the week. The third will be different each time.
Friday Finds and Photo Friday

Starts with N - NUTRITION we've been on a smoothie kick and went to St. Lawrence Market to pick up the essentials.

Here is sample of what we bought. Coconut water, lemons, pears, peaches, kiwi, bananas, kale, baby spinach, cucumber, ginger, mint leaves, parsley, vanilla beans, bok choy, and in the bottom left side, hemp seeds, chia seeds, matcha powder,  and a mix of cranberries, nuts and pumpkin seeds for topping salad.

Deserving of a photo of its own - totally new to me is sea asparagus!!

Missing from the photos are the hot Italian, Guinness and bratwurst sausages, calves' liver, horseradish, walnuts, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, brussel sprouts, mushy peas, tomato sauce.

Week's Favourite - this bag I saw at the market.

VINTAGE - This is a vintage 1957 Chevy Toronto Police car on its way into Toronto that I spotted from our condo window.


  1. I wonder what the story was with that old police car. I've seen an old one here recently, but that was as part of the St. Pats parade.

  2. For "N" NEVER heard of some of this stuff.
    Regular is boring
    '57 was a good year for Chevy

  3. Love all the goodies you put in your smoothies. that police car is cool. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Nice photos for N this week. We need to get up to Toronto and visit the St Lawrence market soon.

  5. The St. Lawrence market is an awesome place for buying food when in Toronto and you picked up some delicious looking, and sounding items.

  6. Lots of delicious food! I love the sign from the market. That is a great vintage car. Thanks so much for joining in Friday's Hunt. Have a great week!


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