
Friday, October 2, 2015

Saturday Snapshots

West Metro Mommy Reads

Saturday Snapshots is hosted by West Metro Mommy

September 2015 - Berlin Germany

I was captivated by the Bears of Berlin and hoped to see some.  And we did, our first on our first day almost immediately. He was outside a casino.


The story of the Buddy Bears started with an artistic event in Berlin in 2001. Inspired by the idea of bringing art in the streets of a metropolis like the cow parade in Zurich and New York, the initiators of the Buddy Bears, Klaus und Eva Herlitz, decided to start a street art project in Berlin.

It was quickly agreed that a bear would be the ideal sculpture for the backdrops of the German metropolis. The bear - Berlin’s heraldic animal with a high level of public appeal – was envisaged to capture the hearts of Berliners and their guests in various different designs.

My favourite

More bears over our sightseeing. Some were captured from a moving vehicle so excuse the fuzziness.


  1. How delightful! Thanks for sharing the wonderfully colorful bears....and for visiting my blog.

  2. I like that they have a few different poses. And the one standing on his head is wonderful.

  3. I want the bears!

    Here is my ​post


  4. I love this kind of street art! Each interpretation is unique. What a delight it must have been to round a corner and see another bear.
    My Saturday Snapshot post is HERE.

  5. Loved seeing the bears although I was surprised to see one with an Aboriginal Australian design - maybe he was outside the Australian embassy?

    1. I've tried to find out the origin of this bear, but didn't find anything.

  6. Awww cute. And one of them had a crown!

    - Linking over from Saturday Snapshots

  7. What lovely bears. Must have been great fun looking out for them. I like the topsy turvy one best, or maybe the polar bear. Hard to decide.

  8. I do love this sort of series, they're such fun. It's interesting that they're not all the same shape, a few are sitting, and sometimes limbs are postured differently. Like Brona I was surprised to see the Australian design- I think that maybe my favourite.


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