
Friday, September 5, 2014

Sepia Saturday

Sepia Saturday

Today's theme is:

Itinerant entertainers, hurdy gurdy man, unusual pets, monkeying around

August 1978 - Torresmolinos Spain

No hurdy gurdy men in our family, What is a hurdy gurdy man?


 noun \ˌhər-dē-ˈgər-dē, ˈhər-dē-ˌ\
: a stringed musical instrument that is played by turning a handle

I went through hundreds of our old photos and found nothing. Then inspiration (or a monkey) hit me and I remembered these photos, not filed with the family history but under travel.

Yes, I'm sporting a perm!! 

And a favourite song from in my teens, Hurdy Gurdy Man by Donovan released in 1968.

'Twas then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man
Came singing songs of love
Then when the Hurdy Gurdy Man
Came singing songs of love


  1. Yep, some of these themes leave me scratching my noggin too!

  2. Ah those were the days; the days of perms and holding hands with strange Spanish monkeys! I remember the song very well.

  3. Oooh yeah I remember the curly perm, even had one. At the time, I thought it was great not having to roll and set -- just wash and go.

  4. Me too - I had one of those short curly 'do's' & thought it was great at the time. Now that I'm gray, I stay away from anything like that, however. Funny thing - back when I was young(er), my hair was hard to curl. Now that I'm gray, it curls easily but I wear it long. Cute monkey by the way - but you look just a wee bit wary being so close to it.

  5. I remember the song. I wonder how chimps feel about shoes on their lower hands/feet.

  6. What a short but sweet post. Loved it.
    Ladies of the Grove

  7. Donovan! Haven't thought of him in years! Great perm!

  8. That's a really cute photo. The chimp obviously knows how to pose, and it looks like he keeps his eyes closed to avoid the flash.

  9. Now if Donovan had really played a hurdy-gurdy!

  10. The monkey looks happy enough, despite his unnatural clothes, but I suppose he was trained from birth and never knew anything else. You look ok too :-)

  11. Clever post!!
    You covered all of your bases:
    the girl, the chimp and the musician.
    I can still remember the scent of those perms freshly done...

  12. Isn't it funny. I didn't think I had a photo of a monkey either. But if we dig hard enough we find something usually. I don't remember that Donovan song at all...maybe it didn't get much airplay in Australia. Or maybe I was too little to remember.

  13. I'm not sure you were enjoying this as much as the chimp was.


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