
Friday, May 2, 2014

Sepia Saturday

Sepia Saturday

I'm posting at Sepia Saturday today. This week's challenge:

This week's prompt comes from the archives of The Library of Congress courtesy of Flickr Commons, where the subjects are taking part in what is described as a 'Greek Cymball Dance’ at a Sufragette Ball. Now, you may wish to hang on to that description as a possible avenue to explore if inspiration deserts you. Otherwise we have May Day, dancing, folk traditions or very silly poses; take your pick or forget about themes altogether. The main thing is to join in with an old image of your own choice and an interesting post to share with fellow Sepians. Post it on or before Saturday 3rd May, with a link back here to Sepia Saturday please (or add the mini banner below if your prefer), then leave a comment with our friend Mr Linky below. We’re big on tradition here at Sepia Saturday, and one of those is to visit fellow Sepians and leave encouraging comments on their posts, it cheers us up no end.

Silly poses is my choice this week. 

Uncle Alec visiting from Dublin, cousin Derek and Grandfather Swift. It was Christmas morning at my aunt's house and the heat had gone out.

My mom Angela.

My mom's sister Ursula

My husband, John.


  1. Lack of heat didn't seem to spoil their fun

  2. I have tried to get my family to wear those silly paper hats, but they weren't as much fun as your family, I guess :)

  3. Very delightful post, and I can tell by your wonderful blog header photos you all love hats and great fun!

  4. Ah, the paper crowns! My husband's mother placed decorated tubes by everyone's dinner plate at Christmas & we had to open them before we ate - finding the paper crowns which we all had to wear, plus a little 'favor' gift. Fun! Thanks for bringing back the memory.

  5. Hi Jackie! I do like a silly pose...particularly on Christmas morning.

  6. I love a sense of humor shared by the whole family. I suspect there are more funny poses in your
    photo albums. We have Thanksgiving with a relative who refuses to turn the heat on until January and we all wear our coats and hats all day.

  7. A lot of Christmas cheer for everyone!

  8. Funny photos and embarrassment seem to go together. Often embarrassing to the subject of the photo but funny to us.

  9. As long as everybody joins in it seems ok, but there's usually one who point blank refuses to wear a silly hat. Your photos show what fun they're missing!

  10. These are hilarious. Any one picture by itself is just a picture, but grouped together they are soooo funny. In my Christmas scrapbook, I have a page of "outtakes" where everyone looks really BAD. Ordinarily they're photos you wouldn't use but grouped together they make a fun and funny page.

  11. I enjoyed your poses "take" on this week's theme - great fun1

  12. Lack of Heat does make people do Silly things doesn't it?

  13. Do all Jackie's have silly hat wearing posing families!? Perhaps although I didn't post any this week.
    I think your husband is wearing the knit from Alex's post ;)

  14. I think those suffergettes would be insulted to have inspired a silly pose post. Or maybe not. Maybe they laughted about it afterwards. I hope so. You all seem to be having a grand time.

  15. They are all merry as fits the season, heat or not in the home. Great time with paper hats.


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