
Friday, May 30, 2014

Saturday Snapshot

West Metro Mommy Reads

Saturday Snapshots is hosted by West Metro Mommy

May 2014 - Toronto ON
A couple of weeks ago we went to see the cherry blossoms in High Park. They were not at their peak this year. Last year they had been spectacular, however the long cold winter had an impact.
Still we did get some nice shots.


  1. Awesome jobs with the photos! Its sad that the cherry blossoms werent as vibrant this year but as you said it was a brutal winter. We saw the blossoms in DC 2 years ago and happened to be there at just the right time :)

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  2. Gorgeous shots! I love the scenes of birds and flowers. Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  3. What a gorgeous series of photos- birds and flowers- all so lovely. I'm sure the spring is most welcome after your long, cold winter.It's the first day of winter here, I wonder what we have in store?

  4. Such a beautiful place. I love the swans

  5. Lovely place. I like that little Oriental tower and the photo of the nesting swan in particular.


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