
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Feet First

Here's a fun new meme hosted by My Happy Place called Feet First.

Here's what you have to do…….on the 1st day of every month, get a shot of your feet planted firmly or floating in the air or lying on a beach or wherever your journey may find you on that given day.  Blog about it and what is happening in your life on that very day.  Then link back up here with me so we can all "travel the world" together.

It can be a single shot, a collage, a mosaic, or an overlay of sorts.  Whatever your heart desires on that given day.

March 2014 - San Diego CA

Sitting in the Barra Barra Saloon in Old Town San Diego.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what pretty toes! Mine haven't seen daylight since last September!! :)
    Thank you SO much for joining in on my "Feet First" ----- happy dance!
    Enjoy your week & be sure to drop by My Happy Place often.!


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