
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Song-ography Dec 22

Here's a new fun meme to join! You'll Shoot Your Eye Out rules are:

1.  Would be kinda cool if you would link back to my blog somewhere...ANYWHERE
2.  Would be kinda cool if you "followed" me.  Not to the bathroom or anything creepy...just here in blog-land.
3.  Please link up using your permalink URL.
4.  Photos MAY or MAY NOT be recently taken.  Heck, sometimes you might see a song title and think "I ALREADY have an amaaaaaaazing photograph for that song title!"  No reason you shouldn't use it.  Amazing is amazing regardless of when it's taken, right?
5.  Would be kinda cool if you'd visit some of the other participants and leave a kind word or two.  I'm from Philly, and you KNOW we have a rep for being the kindest and friendliest peeps in the world :)
6.  You may have one photo,  or drop a photo bomb of photos in your link up post.  Just please make sure your photo(s) are an interpretation of the song title for the week. 
7.  Link-up will be available beginning Sunday mornings.
8.  Tell lots, and LOTS of your blogging friends so I don't feel like I'm sitting at the school lunch table all by myself on Sunday morning.  I don't want to be a "Lonesome Loser" and have to post a photo about it.Got it?  Sunday, link up, song titles, photographs that are interpretations, a mash up I'm calling Song-ography, be there...YO.

"Silver Bells"
Meaghan Smith

I was prepared not to like this as "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out" had a disclaimer that she didn't care for it, but when I started watching I saw that it was filmed in my home town at the Nathan Phillips Square skating rink!!

December 2013 - Tuscon AZ I snapped without thought to this wee's challenge,

December 2013 - Naples Florida
But then a "lightbulb" went off and I realized I could use it!!!


  1. This is very cool that this was filmed right in your own "square". Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

  2. Love the ornament in the tropical tree - such a fun sight!

  3. That is neat Merry Christmas !!

  4. I am in awe that you have a photo of a "Silver Bell Inn"!!!! Perfect! Thanks for joining in on Song-ography. I wish you and yours a joyous holiday.


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