
Friday, November 15, 2013

Saturday Snapshot - Route 66

I have mentioned many times that I have a fascination with Route 66 for some reason, and no, it's not because of the TV show as I did not watch it growing up. It's on my bucket list to do the drive (here is a link to an excellent website) from Chicago to LA. So far we have done a fair bit of it.

To date in our travels we have covered some of it in Illinois, Chicago, Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, California and New Mexico.

This post is highlighting our trip to Sedona in 2000. I have put links at the bottom to some of our posts from our longer stay in 2012/13 in the Sedona area.
As the song by Bobby Troup goes:
If you ever plan to motor west
Travel my way, the highway that's the best.
Get your kicks on Route 66!

This is the book we always take with us.

These were taken on a trip to Sedona.

The Wigwam Motel is in Holbrook AZ and you can actually stay the night there. These are made out of concrete and the cars parked outside give it such a 50's feel.

When doing this drive you must stop in Winslow AZ. Along the highway there are signs saying "Standing on the Corner" and we couldn't fathom what this was referring to other than the song about standing on the corner watching the girls go by. Boy, were we wrong!!

Link to our 2012 stop in Winslow.
It actually refers to the Eagles song which contains the lyrics "well, I’m a standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona"!! Click here to listen.


  1. Fun! We really enjoy the Route 66 museum that went in a few years ago outside of Eureka in Missouri. Here's the website:

  2. The photos give the strong feel of by-gone eras.

  3. What a great post - these pics look just like I have imagined Arizona from the other side of the world!
    The Wigwam hotel is no doubt very un-PC, but I love it :-)

  4. Sedona is so beautiful! One of these days when hubby retires I hope to do the RT. 66 trip!


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