
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Oh the PLACES I've Been!

New Link Party

The Tablescaper dropped by and invited me to post at her weekly meme Oh, the PLACES I've been!

Her rules are:
You must be a FOLLOWER for The Tablescaper. (done)
Your post must be about a PLACE.
Your post must contain a link to The Tablescaper.
It may be your photos from a fantastic trip abroad…
…or maybe just your favorite shop around the corner from where you live.

August 1990 - Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia

William Edward deGarthe was born in Helsinki, Finland. He emigrated to Canada in 1926, moved to Halifax in 1945, and eventually settled permanently in the beautiful village of Peggy’s Cove in 1955. He was a painter and sculptor, his artistic work devoted to maritime subjects after his move to Peggy’s Cove. His “Fisherman’s Monument” was sculpted out of a 100 foot granite face of rock below his home. It depicts thirty-two fishermen and their wives and children enveloped in the wings of a guardian angel. The sculpture and his home (now a museum to his work) were donated to the province of Nova Scotia after his death.

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