
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Oh, the PLACES I've Been!

New Link Party

The Tablescaper dropped by and invited me to post at her weekly meme Oh, the PLACES I've been!

Her rules are:
You must be a FOLLOWER for The Tablescaper. (done)
Your post must be about a PLACE.
Your post must contain a link to The Tablescaper.
It may be your photos from a fantastic trip abroad…
…or maybe just your favorite shop around the corner from where you live.

2006 - Arches national Park, Utah 


  1. Beautiful shot! That IS a beautiful park! We've been to a lot of the National Parks in Utah, and enjoyed every one of them!

  2. This is a beautiful photo! I've never been to Utah - so thanks for sharing!

  3. Beautiful shot, Jakie. I just came from Utah 3 weeks ago, stayed in Park City. I love it!...Christine

  4. Great photo. It has been many years since I saw arches but the memories are still fresh.

  5. Beautiful, love the stone head peaking out from the arch!

  6. We've been to several of our national parks, but not to this one YET. It's on my "bucket list." Beautiful photo!


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