
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday Snapshot


Saturday Snapshots is hosted by Alyce at At Home With Books.

April 2013 - Toronto On.

A good friend and I love to spend a day wandering around Toronto with our cameras. In April we took the subway to Museum station.

Designed by Diamond and Schmitt Architects and constructed by Jeviso Construction Corporation, renovations to the station's platform level were completed in April 2008 to evoke exhibits in the Royal Ontario Museum.

 This renovation purged Museum Station's original tile scheme from the platform level. Walls were reclad with mauve aluminum plate panels by Ontario Panelization of London, Ontario. They incorporated painted 1/4" fire-rated Lexan into the panels composing the large "MUSEUM" lettering on the walls with a historical hieroglyphic inscription from the ROM.

 Supporting columns have been remade to resemble the ancient Egyptian deity Osiris, as well as Toltec warriors, Doric columns found in the Parthenon, China's Forbidden City columns, and First Nations house posts. 


  1. Great pictures -- very unexpected decor for a subway station, LOL :-)

    Here is my SATURDAY SNAPSHOT post.

  2. That's wonderful! Better than looking at obscene graffiti.

  3. It has been twenty years since I lived in Toronto-I see they have fancied up the metro stops.

  4. I haven't visited Toronto, but the subway looks great and the artwork even better. Here's Mine

  5. I love those statues. I've never been on a train I wonder if I would feel closed in. Here’s my Saturday Snapshots
    Daisy from A Serendipitous Life

  6. Cool that they went to so much effort to make it an artistic space!

  7. How interesting to make such a bold statement - the whole thing is like a work a work of art or a museum exhibit. Are all the stations works of art? My Snapshot is at

  8. How fun! A subway stop that's like a museum itself. I especially like the close-up on the M--what amazing, intricate detail!

  9. I love it when local govts take the effort to turn everyday spaces into beautiful, fun places to be.

  10. What an interesting station. I'd love to visit it too.

  11. What an interesting station. I'd love to visit it too.

  12. Very cool, my son and his wife are visiting Toronto this week~ Hope to visit it myself someday♫ My new website:


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