
Sunday, March 10, 2013

365 Photo Challenge

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I'm linking up over at The Boy and Me this week. This is a new blog to me and we post a favourite photo from the past week.

I had done a 365 Photo a day challenge a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. Since we are travelling for the winter it has been easy for me to take photos every day.

I took this photo on Friday as we left Las Vegas after spending two months there with a side trip to Mazatlan for two weeks.
It was a rainy morning (the first in the two months we were there) and as we entered the highway to drive to Sedona AZ (more about THAT drive in this highlighted link) I snapped this photo.


  1. Thanks for popping over to my blog. Your shot is amazing! What a fantastic building. Looking forward to following your travels. Chel x

  2. Wow that is such a different view to here on our farm!

  3. Looks like a lot of hustling and bustling! I still have not ever been to Vegas!

  4. Beautiful beautiful scene, I'd love to visit one day

  5. look at the width of that road. the buildings are huge.


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