
Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. For this meme, bloggers post what they finished last week, what they're currently reading, and what they plan to start this week.
My comments are not meant to be recaps of the story lines as I include a link to Goodreads for their synopsis of the book. I am merely stating how I felt about the book without giving any spoilers.
My 2013 reading list can be found here.

We will be heading to Los Angeles today for a flight to Mazatlan Mexico tomorrow where I hope to get lots of reading in!!


The Betrayal of Trust (Simon Serrailler, #6)
Synopsis here.

I hadn't read anything by Susan Hill before and this is number six in the series. Being the sixth book in a series didn't really matter to the storyline other than some cryptic references to previous occurrences that had no impact to the plot.

 This is a classic British police procedural with the usual trappings: fictional cathedral town, budget cuts and a lonely attractive senior detective with an eye for the ladies.
This was touted as a cold case, however, I was more interested in some of the side stories taking place. A vast amount of the plot involves a character with an incurable disease planning a medically-assisted suicide, a character whose partner has violent dementia and keeps getting kicked out of care homes, and a woman tied to her older bedridden husband. 
The reader will wonder what part these three women play in the cold case scenario.
So a good read, but I am not rushing out to buy anymore of the series especially since I was not happy being left hanging at the end of the book!



Ireland 1963. As the Irish people prepare to welcome President John F. Kennedy to the land of his ancestors, a German national is murdered in a seaside guesthouse. Lieutenant Albert Ryan, Directorate of Intelligence, is ordered to investigate. The German is the third foreigner to die within a few days, and Minister for Justice Charles Haughey wants the killing to end lest a shameful secret be exposed: the dead men were all Nazis granted asylum by the Irish government in the years following World War II.

A note from the killers is found on the dead German's corpse, addressed to Colonel Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's favorite commando, once called the most dangerous man in Europe. The note simply says: "We are coming for you."

As Albert Ryan digs deeper into the case he discovers a network of former Nazis and collaborators, all presided over by Skorzeny from his country estate outside Dublin. When Ryan closes in on the killers, his loyalty is torn between country and conscience. Why must he protect the very people he fought against twenty years before? Ryan learns that Skorzeny might be a dangerous ally, but he is a deadly enemy.


  1. Thanks for your review and enjoy your new book!

  2. Enjoy you reading this week!

    Here's my post:


  3. Have a wonderful vacation you lucky duck ;) I hope you find a lot of reading time and enjoy yourself!

  4. Interesting choices, sorry you didn't enjoy the cliffhanger ending but I'm sure you will have a fabulous time in Mexico! Enjoy! visiting from book journey's link up. ~ Tanya.

  5. Enjoy the sunshine and the vacation reading!


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