
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Snapshot

When we were in Sedona in November 2012 we stopped by an art gallery and found the amazing works of James Muir and we became mesmerized by his incredible talent. We had seen one of his sculptures The Dance  in uptown Sedona a few days before unaware at the time of the artist.


  1. Beautiful sculptures! We have a sculpture in our park here in IL that looks similar to these. I am going to have to look back in my photos to see if they were made by James Muir.

  2. I adore Sedona....and these sculptured pieces are so wonderful. Now I'm longing to return there...sigh.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Amazing detail in these sculptures. A very talented artist. Thanks for sharing!
    Rebecca @ The Key to the Gate

  4. Such lifelike figures - the child holding the baby was very touching.

  5. Almost can't find the words - these sculptures are so amazing. What an incredible talent!!

  6. Those are impressively detailed, especially the faces!

  7. Those are beautiful sculptures -- and great shots of them. Thanks for sharing them.


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