
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wondrous Words Wednesday

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Bermuda Onion where we share new (to us) words that we’ve encountered in our reading. If you want to play along, grab the button, write a post and come back and add your link to Mr. Linky! 

  1. tessera - noun. A small tablet (as of wood, bone, or ivory) used by the ancient Romans as a ticket, tally, voucher or means of identification. "Each tessera is worth a meager year's supply of grain and oil for one person." (Hunger Games).
  2. legerdemain - noun. Sleight of hand, a display of skill or adroitness. "When you close your eyes, as I did for a moment, you can see them clearly. It's a kind of auditory legerdemain." (Clara Callan)
  3. Sal Hepatica - noun. I knew this must be some sort medicine but had never heard of it. "The poor night's sleep left me nervous and unsteady, so I took some Sal Hepatica and stayed in my cabin for a good part of today." (Clara Callan) 
  4. futuity - noun.  Something foolish or stupid. archaic : imbecility, dementia. "Perhaps I just realized the sheer fatuity  of what I was trying to do." (Clara Callan)
  5. bruited - verb.  To spread news of; repeat. " It will be bruited about the village as another example of my eccentric character, I suppose." (Clara Callan)
Don't you just love these ads I found for Sal Hepatica!!!
1937 Sal Hepatica #003308

Sal Hepatica -1931A


  1. For some reason I like the word "bruited."

  2. I knew legerdemain because I'd looked it up before. I could remember it because once I looked it up, I could see the French in it. I do love the Sal Hepatic ads!

  3. These are good! Didn't know any of them. That was a really nice touch including the medicine ad! Lol! Love those old ads - the girl is so dramatic in her sick bed.

  4. Bruited is French-based too, isn't it? And those ads? Super!

  5. The five words looks like French words : une tessère, hépatique, la fatuité, and un bruit ( a noise). Legerdemain is made with two French words : léger (light) and demain (tomorrow) , but I never heard this word nor find it in my French dictionnary.

  6. Me again! Just wanted to mention that Jules Verne wrote a book called "The Danube Pilot" about a Danube River cruise. :)

  7. All very interesting words.

  8. The ads are hilarious. Your words are good this week too but I'm still smiling about the ads.

  9. Wow, I think I need some Sal Hepatica based on those ads! Although given it was a laxative, it doesn't sound a pleasant way to spend a day in the cabin...Bruited is interesting to me. Bruit is a word I'm very familiar with but with a completely different meaning- as an abnormal sound heard when listening to arteries. I've recently read The Hunger Games and vaguely remember tessera- I'd just assumed it was a made up word- thanks for checking it out for me! All your words were new for me- a great list.

  10. Too bad my mind's so full already..I'd never remember the new words for long. So funny about the laxative cure..our modern day 'body cleanse';)


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