
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Taken last week at the Mauna Kea Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii.


  1. I was blog hopping when I came across your blog. I have really enjoyed my visit. Your photos are wonderful and I love that you were born in Ireland. My grandmother immigrated from Dublin. I have a fondness for all things Irish and I enjoy learning more about the country.
    I will be following along to read more of your posts.

  2. I've been looking through your Blog - you are "the get-around-girl". Beautiful photos of your travels - and food too pretty to eat!! I signed on to FOLLOW, so I'll be baaaack!

  3. Popped over to say hello and wow - makeover central that I have clearly missed - what a look your blog has since I last saw it! :) Brother has headed to Whistler...hope it's nice there for him! Not quite your neck of the woods but I'm sure he'll go atravelling! :) xxx


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