
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thirsty Tuesday - Sedona

Standing tall at the west end of Sedona sits Coffee Pot Rock, perfectly poised to pour the first cup of morning refreshment for the countless neighbors, us included, living in the shadow of this unique and colourful monument.
Our condo was just below (across the road) from the Coffee Pot. Visible from all over town, Coffee Pot Rock looks like a percolator style pot, complete with spout. The base of Coffee Pot Rock is deep Sedona red, with slight striations of white and pink. The lid of the Coffee Pot is striped beige and orange, further resembling the clear top of the percolator.

And yes, that is snow behind us in the smaller photo. At 5,600 ft Coffee Pot Rock is considereed the highest point in town. At that height it is not surprising to get snow in November.

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