
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Books - The Prayer Room

I read the review of The Prayer Room here and all I can say is I don't get it.
I did not really enjoy it at all. I found the characters boring and one dimensional. None of them evoked any sympathy from me.
The following write-up from over at sums up my feelings without me wasting the time.
From Publishers Weekly
In her debut novel, Sekaran indulges in beautiful prose that unfortunately obscures a ponderous narrative. Art history scholar and Englishman George Armitage went to India for the research, but returned with an Indian wife, Viji, so out of sorts she can't even recognize her husband when they get separated at the airport (They all looked like George. Which one had she married?). In short order, they move to Sacramento and Viji gives birth to triplets. As their children wade into adolescence, George blandly flirts with infidelity, and Viji is afflicted with poorly explained midlife ennui. The plot, as it is, involves the arrival of George's widowed father and Viji's solo visit to India at the request of her sister. Lovely writing doesn't make up for Sekaran's vacant characterization; as the characters' problems are never clearly established, readers won't find much satisfaction in the old family secrets and healed wounds meant to resolve them. (Feb.)
 I read this book this week and finished it yesterday sitting on my front porch. I took this picture while sitting there trying to get through the book and finish it.

Next on the reading list is The Privileges by Jonathan Dee.

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