
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Finally! An Update from the Rose and Thistle Tour

Will have to wait to post pictures, I overloaded the poor Netbook and DH is attempting to rescue it.

Great flight last Friday, quite uneventful. Landed on time at 9PM and within 20 minutes cleared customs and picked up luggage and on our way with our driver Kevin. Checked into hotel (our reservations were missing but they found us a room). Down into the pub with K and B for a proper pint by 11PM. Slipped out for fish and chips at 11:30.
Up early Saturday, full English breakfast (included) and then off to pick up our London Passes. Grabbed a cab and our cabbie got lost! Imagine not knowing where the British and London Tourist Office is???
Then it was on to the HOHO (Hop On Hop Off bus) to Kensigton Palace. The current display was very disappointing.
Before that we stopped off at Harrod's and then lunch at the Bunch of Grapes where B declared it the best club he had ever had.
After the Palace we stopped into the Goat Tavern across the street and then back on the HOHO back to the hotel.
We changed and headed out to Brick Lane to have dinner with J and V who happened to be over at the same time. Great Indian, will go back in 2 weeks when we have more time to wander and take photos.

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