
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mission to reduce/use pantry/freezer contents

Part of my mission this year is to reduce, use and not waste food.
So far and it is only week 2 of the year and this is based on contents that were there on January 1:

Freezer contents:
Used up the 2 packages of frozen cream cheese, several frozen bananas (still more), frozen cooked ground beef, frozen blueberries (still more), some shredded cheese, made some beef stock from various freezer contents, frozen rice, 2 frozen baguettes, and still working on the loaf of stale bread, it has been used as toast and I have just come across an awesome use for stale white bread at
which I am going to try out this afternoon.

Alas, the opened carton of cream found at the back of the fridge had to be thrown out!

most of the head of cabbage, more of the cranberries, opened box of beef and chicken stock from NYE, can of pumpkin, 1 box of pastry mix can of kidney beans, can of spaghetti sauce, 2 lemons.

Made croutons from sourdough bread going stale.

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