
Sunday, May 24, 2009

China Notes to Self

Always bring:

My Acer Netbook was awesome to have with us. Could access internet, download photos.

Lots of kleenex packages

Hand Sanitizers

Internet cable - just saves having to ask desk to bring one

Cotton skirt

USB keys - really handy for downloading cameras

There is really no need to tip.

There are ATMs everywhere.

Would probably fly to Hong Kong without any luggage first if the flight was reasonable. Could then shop for clothes.

Buy your souvenirs as you see them, as most are unique to the area you are in. I am glad I didn't wait to get them in HK as we didn't really see any of the stuff we bought. Hong Kong souvenirs were more on the tacky side.

If you want to see the Three Gorges try to find a cruise that starts at the Gorges as the trip from Chongqing is not very picturesque. On the other hand, the 3 day cruise was great for relaxing and enjoying the side trips that are included as part of the package.

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