
Friday, April 10, 2009

Applying for Visa

It was a no brainer. BUT fill your form out at home!!Got there around 8:40 had to wait outside gates until guard opened themabout 8:45.Have your ID ready to get thru gates.We then waited outside the doors until someone arrived at 9 to open them.
1 counter in middle marked VISA is where you line up with your passport picture - should be attached to your application .
If you want to pay (exrea $30) you can come back after 2 and pick it up same day.I chose to pick mine up on Thursday (there is a tiny handwritten sign on VISA window saying when pick up will be).In total I probably waited 30 minutes.You pay when you pick up - last booth - moves very quickly. Onlycash/ceritfied check or money order accepted.

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