
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Palm Springs CA and Coastal Drive to SF 1997

 November1997 - Palm Springs - San Francisco 

I don't remember much about this trip, so this is mainly a photo dump. I am guessing that we flew in and out of San Francisco.

Oasis Palm Springs

Bob Hope Drive

Golf - perhaps John can identify?

Living Desert. It was a little different in 2015! 


17 Mile Drive

One of the most scenic drives on the Monterey Peninsula and quite possibly the world resides behind the prestigious gates of Pebble Beach. The famous 17-Mile Drive is a visually stunning stretch of roadway that hugs the Pacific coastline from Pacific Grove to Pebble Beach featuring awe-inspiring sights along the way.

We did this drive again in 2017.

The Lone Cypress is a Monterey cypress tree located in Pebble Beach, California. Standing atop a granite headland overlooking Carmel Bay, the tree has become a Western icon and has been called one of the most photographed trees in North America. 

Pebble Beach

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