
Saturday, March 11, 2023


March 2023 - Toronto ON

2022 - Meaford ON
We mostly goofed around all weekend, watching, reading. With the kitchen out of order and everywhere in disarray there isn't much we can do.
We did go out to get cheeses for dinner, at a new place on Lake Shore. 

Monday's mural from Hamilton.

Monday was probably the most tiring day, not that we had to do anything. The cupboard people arrived around 10:30 and finished around 5:20, being mindful of condo rules, no noise after 5 and trade people gone by 5. But that meant we were sitting around doing not much of anything with our laptops/TV. John did go to the bank to get cash for the contractor.

Cupboard on right of stove is new and provides additional counter space right next to the stove, with sink repositioned, I lose some space in the corner which is useless space anyway.
And everything is quiet, no banging cupboard doors or drawers that are clunky.
Space over the stove is for the microwave/fan which has been raised. See Thursday photo.

That black counter will also be replaced to match the other side. They brought extra handles so both side match.

7 PM Contractor called and said that Eric, the stone guy, was in the area so could he come by to measure? We said sure!

Tuesday the contractor came over to inspect the cabinets. We mentioned we'd like some caulking and he said he would do that. He also checked out the measurements for the dishwasher and they look good. He has to flatten the floor under the dishwasher, someone had poured cement and it is uneven. He did his measurements to put the fan/microwave back up, a little higher than it was so that the bottom is even with the cupboards. He also said he would do the painting! Bonus, didn't expect that.

I was a little nervous turning the washing machine on but there were no water issues!

We washed down the cabinets and arranged most of the stuff, avoiding the plumbing and microwave areas. The cupboard arrangement is a little different with the repositioning of the sink. 

This drawer used to hold extra spices but we had room above the counter as we moved  the pasta/noodles to another cupboard. Finally all the wraps/garbage bags are in a drawer

Wednesday we could actually sleep in, no one was arriving at 9 AM.
I headed to Longo's to pick up a few things, it was cold out! 
I thought I knew most meat cuts but this is new to me.
Button ribs are flat, circular-shaped bones located at the sirloin end of the loin. They are not actually ribs, as they are not taken from the rib cage. The button ribs consist of the last four to six bones on the backbone; they do not have actual ribs connected to them.
What to do with them? Make pulled pork sandwiches! Cheap! I will be picking some up.

Thursday John had a doctor appointment. Zoran and Goran arrived at 9:30 to do some jobs.
Microwave/fan was raised to cupboard level, which required some drilling for the plug and a hole for the exhaust. Floor under dishwasher levelled and dishwasher put in place, not connected. Caulking done around top of cabinets.

AND the stone will be installed on Friday  Monday. Plumber Tuesday.

I left them working away and went downtown to meet my BFF for lunch at our usual place. We both had smash burgers and chatted away.

The exciting news is that Starbucks to re-opening its shop where the bus stops!!! 
No, I'm not a huge fan, however it is a treat to have a flat white while waiting, or a cold Frappuccino in the summer.

Photo taken from the 2:45 bus, sun is shining.

It is 3:15 and we are crawling! Odd shadow.

3:20 and we are getting nowhere. This school is between Spadina and Bathurst. Traffic on Lakeshore is just as bad.

3:50 PM and we can see the open road ahead! I walked into the condo at 4 PM. The journey is normally 12-20 minutes. This was 75 minutes, not quite my longest journey yet.

Friday I went downtown on the 9:35 bus planning to do some shopping and groceries ahead of the snow. BFF messaged that it had started at 7:30 and was coming down fast. I changed my mind and only did groceries, catching the 10:50 home, it had started snowing downtown.

I did buy two of those pork button bones pictured above.

My chariot awaits - white bus.

I had ordered a couple of fake palm trees for the balcony. I have tried to have plants in the summer but it just gets too hot. I like them and they were a reasonable price, so I ordered two others, a little shorter and a different plant.

At 7 PM it was still snowing.


Mayor of Kingstown - this is a great series and reminds me of The Governor in some ways.

I'm continuing to watch The Governor through the library. I finished season one.
I found it on Prime but would have to pay for it. 


I can't wait to have the plumber on Tuesday! I am cooking in a way to avoid any dirty pots and pans. Definitely no baking!

Saturday roast pork, potatoes and carrots.

Sunday cheeses

Monday I had sushi and John made pizza on focaccia.

Tuesday tourtiere and beans. Leftovers lunch on Wednesday and Thursday with gravy.

Wednesday chicken quarters and sweet kale salad (package). I marinated the chicken in buttermilk, pickle juice, hot sauce and salt for a few hours. 

Thursday used up the cheeses.

Again this week, not much reading being done. I have flipped through some cookbooks.


Not many photos. Nothing jumped out at me.

Gluten-Free on a Shoestring 125 Easy Recipes definitely for a beginner. I'm not sure why, if this is a gluten-free cookbook, the author feels I need a list of kitchen equipment, especially telling me I should have Le Creuset (pricey) or NEED a $150 (book written in 2011) food processor.
I have followed her blog for years and most of the recipes can be found there.


  1. Thank you for recommending London Kills! We are now on season 2 and the library has season 3 but then it ends. For us. No cable so I hope they buy the next season.
    Love your kitchen!! Sometimes I think a condo would be great idea but Loki would bark his fool head off. It's hard taking care of property and expensive to have the guys come in to cut several acres.

    I got my blogging mojo back and posted three things this week!!

    1. Alas I only saw season 3 for London Kills also. Hopefully season 4 will come to the library. Can't wait until the kitchen is finished this week.
      So glad you got your blogging mojo back.

  2. Your kitchen remodel looks fantastic! I love the white cabinets (but then, I have white cabinets in my kitchen too!)

    best… mae at

  3. Your kitchen is coming along nicely and your balcony space looks great too!!

    I love that you had cheese for dinner a couple of nights! We like to have nights like that on occasion too!

  4. Looks like you've got the right people for your kitchen renovation. The cabinets and drawer handles look great. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  5. how fabulous to be getting a new kitchen - i can dream :) And lots of lovely murals there! love the bird!

  6. I'm a kale fan.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. The kitchen is shaping up well. You seem to have very good tradespeople.

    1. It is coming along. I am very lucky to have found this contractor, he did our floors a few years ago. He has great contacts and is very meticulous.

  8. Your kitchen looks great. When we started talking about redoing our kitchen, I never dreamed how happy the final result would be. Now I love being in the kitchen.

    So much snow!

    We are in the middle of Unforgotten, and we are finding it to be compelling.

  9. Woo hoo! Your lovely new kitchen is coming right along!!!! Additional counter space next to the stove is a good thing.


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