
Monday, March 7, 2022

Canadian Artist of the Day

In Neither Hope Nor Despair, Birds Fly
Christi Belcourt ~ Michif 2022

Christi Marlene Belcourt (born September 24, 1966) is a Métis visual artist and author living and working in Canada. She is best known for her acrylic paintings which depict floral patterns inspired by Métis and First Nations historical beadwork art. Belcourt's work often focuses on questions around identity, culture, place and divisions within communities.


  1. I like that, it would be good as a tapestry

  2. My sincere apologies for this universal message, but my electricity has been off from about 4:25 Monday afternoon until shortly after 7:40 this morning. A transformer blew in my neighborhood. I heard the boom and felt the aftershock. It was a bitterly cold, windy night, so once my hands get warm and I get hot coffee and food in me, and I’ve had a chance to sleep (sleep was impossible in the cold), I’ll be by to visit properly. In the meantime, please accept my apology for not leaving a proper comment. This post was on my screen when the electricity went out.


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