
Friday, January 15, 2021


 Weekly Photo Hunt - NEW

JANUARY 2021 - Toronto ON

New? What to share? We're in lockdown so not supposed to really wander about.

I had just written this sentence when John said "we have a parcel downstairs". I said I'd go and get it. So off I went, masked, to the loading dock and got my package. While I was waiting I saw a plant on a trolley and joked if it was also mine. He said "you want it? It's yours!!" I said "no, really?" Seems someone brought it down and said it's garbage, if anyone wants it!!!

He even brought it up for me!!! You can only imagine John's face!


  1. That's not a plant, it's a tree! lol I can't get on with small house plants, they clutter the place up and I forget to water them anyway but this one I could quite happily give a home to, it's lovely :-)

  2. Oh wow! how fantastic -that is brilliant! Is it a ficus? I am so envious 😄🌿

  3. ...that Fucus looks mighty good for free!

  4. Ohhh! Nice pressie - garbage... sad someone did it see like this.

  5. What a nice plant. It is a ficus (weeping fig if my memory is correct)? I've tried to grow them but always fail.

  6. What a find ... I have never had much luck with weeping figs. They start out looking wonderful then slowly but very surely all the leaves start to drop ... too warm an environment I think ... yours looks very healthy 😃

  7. You know what they say, one person's trash is another person's treasure. It looks like you found a new treasure!


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