
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Signs 2

 Joining Tom at Signs2.

Wordless Wednesday Wordless Be There 2day
Mosaic Monday

Continuing with pit stops...
a stop (as during a trip) for fuel, food, or rest or for use of a restroom.

Victoria BC - Craigdorroch Castle


  1. I love the restroom signs, but that looks more like a private home than a rest area. It's especially true when I see that huge Victorian mansion that is to die for. Two turrets, three balconies, and two porches, one of which is wrap around. I could definitely be happy there. Bleubeard might have something to say about the dog having to go, though (grin).

  2. Wonderful pit stops :)
    That bath and toilet surrounded by wood are quite unusual.

  3. How quaint I liked the photos I want a bathroom like that LOL 🛀🏽

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

  4. That's the fanciest bathroom I've ever seen!
    Thanks for sharing at


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