
Monday, August 31, 2020

Monday Mural

 I'm linking up at Monday Mural

August 2020 - Toronto ON

Yorkville, a trendy neighbourhood in the Bloor/Yonge area of Toronto, began an annual mural event last year. It took place this weekend.

This link will take you to a post with more links to last year's murals.

I went on Friday and found one of them.


This mural replaces last year's mural by Mr. Brainwash.

Thierry Guetta, best known by his moniker Mr. Brainwash, is a French-born, Los Angeles-based street artist. According to the 2010 Banksy-directed film Exit Through the Gift Shop, Guetta was a proprietor of a used clothing store, and amateur videographer who was first introduced to street art by his cousin, the street artist Invader, and who filmed street artists through the 2000s and became an artist in his own right in a matter of weeks after an off-hand suggestion from Banksy.


  1. Reckon I´d need a snack cause I´d stand there for hours soaking the art up endlessly.
    Great one(s)!

  2. If I have it right, I like the new mural but the old one looks very messy. The pointers are clever.

  3. I like both of them. The replacement mural is certainly a big change from the original.

  4. So much to see in both murals, they are fabulous Jackie. We used to have a mural festival in Perth, but nothing this year, although I've found a few new murals (or at least new to me :)).

  5. I think that I prefer the new one! You sure get around town - much more than me.


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