
Saturday, May 9, 2020

Self-Isolation Week 9

May 2020 - Toronto ON

Johnny Reid's People Like You dedicated to the people of Nova Scotia and the 22 folks who lost their lives in that senseless shooting last week.

Can things get worse this year???

As we struggle with a pandemic lockdown, a horrific plane crash in Iran and the worst mass shooting in its history grieved again on Wednesday as it honoured the victims of Canada's worst military tragedy in more than a decade.

Prime Minister Trudeau, wearing a mask, attended the service.

I realized that I never mentioned that when we venture out we always wear masks and gloves. Our shop in the building had packages of masks and gloves available for sale weeks ago. I also ordered a package from Wal-Mart, the quality of these were not as good as the ones from our shop. I have tacked the elastics to ensure they don't break.

Our building "requests" all residents to wear masks when in the public areas, like the mail room, elevators, shop, lobby etc.
All entrances have a sign stating that all visitors must wear a mask to enter the building.

Longo's, a favourite grocery store of mine, has announced that effective May 4 all shoppers must wear a mask.
TTC Toronto Transit Workers' Union has stated that they want a mandatory fack mask rule for all riders.

I ordered a couple of masks for us from a local fabric shop Peach Beserk and picked ours up on Wednesday.

These are wonderfully made with silkscreen stamps.

I found a great video to make no sew masks from t-shirts.

And I made one in my favourite colour.

I tidied up my closet shelves and got rid of some stuff.

Sunday was a really warm sunny day and we even sat on the (dirty) balcony for a while.

John washed our living room balcony windows inside and out!

I received an online order of two tops from Reitman's, a Canadian retailer. One I liked but the other will be returned.

Monday we went for a drive to track down some murals. It turned out to be a cold windy day.

The Abbey Lofts is a 24-unit loft conversion carved from a neo-Gothic church that was built in the Medieval Revival style in 1911. The light-grey solid limestone walls and stone cladding of architect William George Burns’ church, built for a Methodist congregation, are unchanged in nearly a century. The 90-foot church tower, built with the same limestone, quarried in St. Mary Ontario, is a square campanile with pseudo ‘battlements’ on top.

Love this on Dundas West

Mural by Elicser and Sweetman

Monday's Mural will show a beauty!

The plan was to order pick up from our favourite pizza place but when we looked at their online menu they were not offering gluten free.
We decided that since we planned on Mexican for Cinco de Mayo on Tuesday we would switch it to Monday and drop by the Mad Mexican Market which we were sure was on Keele. We googled it to no avail. John found what he thought was it but it was way north in Downsview and we took one look and said nope, wrong place. I found one on Jane and remembered what had been on the corner so we headed to Jane and Annette with heads shaking as we couldn't remember ever driving along Annette before. Voila it was there!!!

I received my online order of a tortilla press and a set of sheets from Linen Chest , a Canadian company.
It's funny, before this, I would have just put a set of old sheets into the charity bag, but now I look and see a lot of material that could be made into masks.

John took a walk in the afternoon.

Sculpture from John's walk

Wednesday we made a trip to Lanzarotta for produce and plants.

A large, expensive to me (John convinced me) planter, it has hibiscus, geraniums, white flowers?, creeper and ivy. At least I can winter the geraniums and ivy!

Herbs, had to find one that had rosemary.

Cherry tomato plant. I had to bring it inside on Friday night because the temperature dipped below freezing.

Picked up our masks mentioned above.

Then some murals at Lansdowne and Queen.

Some Elicser

Some of these look familiar as they were done by Womxn Paint artists.
They also did some at Dundas West here  and here.

High Park may be closed for cherry blossom season...

...but not these along Harbord at U of T.

From there we decided to get our first lunch out since lockdown. I called our favourite burger place, Holy Chuck and ordered burgers and fries and then picked them up. We drove to the U of T campus and ate our lunch. It was disappointing, just wasn't up to par.

We decide we needed to walk off out lunch and drove over to Harbord.

Bicycle parking outside a restaurant.

Along Bloor St. West

Korean grocery store in Little Korea, there was a lineup out front.

Along Queen St. West

John took a walk, our building on far left.

Looking east towards downtown. John also took the blog header photo.

A selfie


This week's menu

Spaghetti focaccia and frozen homemade meat sauce

Slow cooker pork ribs with leftover coleslaw

Mexican - tacos, guacamole, bean dip. Used up an odd piece of steak we had frozen.

Chicken Divan with homemade cream of chicken soup rather than canned, much healthier and so cheap to make!

Canned salmon and salad. I made a lime honey dressing.

Chicken wings and fries

Steak and broccolini and mushrooms.

Breakfast fruit salad a couple of mornings as we had blueberries, grapes, grapefruit and bananas.

I made another bread in the new breadmaker using the psullum husk powder that they suggested. Still not a winner, there was a huge hole in it.

I baked a blueberry banana loaf which John proclaimed as delicious.

Need some Cinco de Mayo recipes?

Click here for Doubletree's cookie recipe along with other hotel signature dishes.


We should have been going to the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit with friends on Friday, the tickets were bought back in January. 

But that is now postponed until July, and I'll bet that will be delayed as well.

Love people making their own versions of art.

Here are some great creative challenges to motivate you as you stay safe.


I can't believe how little reading I am doing. I did finish The Girlfriend finally, loved it until the ending!

Tried reading An Unwanted Guest, but got bored with it.

Finally got The Witch Elm by Tana French from the library and enjoying it.


Check list for dining in Dijon:

✅Begin with a kir
✅Borgogne wine with dinner
✅Eggs en Meurette  is a classic Burgundian dish of poached eggs in a rich and flavorful red wine sauce.
✅Beef bourguignon
✅Cheese plate for dessert.

Beth hosts Weekend Cooking where you can post anything food related.


  1. Jumping to the end first: Yes, yes! Explain to me why now that we're stuck at home we can't read! I am listening to audiobooks, but my reading in print or digital has take a nosedive. And to all the state that are opening -- stay away from MY town -- argh. I know I have a tortilla press somewhere in this house, and this is the perfect time to experiment with it. Glad your bread baking is getting better, even if it's not perfect. Love your masks ... and THANK YOU for showing me some murals and some outdoor shots. We haven't been going much past our own yard or block.

    1. I bought the press but haven't used it yet!
      We get out, in the car, a couple times a week. A lot of murals are in lanes so we don't encounter many people.

  2. What a week you had!! I love all the photos of the murals, the pink trees in full bloom, and the flowers all in bloom. That bread looks pretty darn good too. I have 3 masks - a neighbor who had to close her alteration shop is getting by selling masks that she is making. They are all pretty and designer looking! Have a safe week.. see you next Saturday!

  3. What a great tour you gave us! Friends lived in the Abbey for years. They had a really large unit that included the clock tower and had a couple of rooms in the tower and a deck on the battlement up top. There was a great view from there.

  4. Love your stay-at-home travel log and daily diary post. The strawberry banana cake looks and sounds yummy
    If and when you visit the Black Hills I have cousins living in Sturgis. That is where the famous Motorcycle Rally is held, this year they plan it to start August 10. Our relatives always leave town for that.
    My mother was born in Presho. On down in Nebraska, I went to high school in Tekamah, west a few miles from the Missouri River. We lived west and south of that on a small farm up in the hills. It is pretty country.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Great photos from your interesting week as always. Restrictions are so different around the world. Few here wear masks. Some rather tragic events in your country but imagine living south of your border where the death toll is horrendous and of course murders go on unabated. It is great that the church was turned into apartments but I can't really say one would be for me, and I expect they would be very expensive.

    1. Masks are becoming the norm here.
      Your country had its share of tragedy with the fires this year. But agree the States is another story.
      I expect they are very expensive and John says no way would he live in a church.

  7. I love the cherry blossoms! And so many beautiful murals!

  8. You have so many murals. It's unbelievable. Love the cherry blossoms and I want that face mask that says "you are too close".

  9. I love seeing all the murals. I'd love to live in a city with so many. Our little town has several spots of art. It always makes me happy when I see more are coming.

    I always wear a mask when we go out, except when we walk. Our walking path doesn't bring us into contact with others, so it is unnecessary then.

    Thank you for all the humor. Humor will bring us through all of this. That and a little common sense.

  10. We also have to wear masks and gloves when we go out, though sadly a lot of people are not sticking to the rules. Love those beautiful blossoming trees!

  11. I love all the street art. Thanks for wearing a mask. When I was walking the dog a few days ago, I counted 27 people, and I was the only one wearing a mask.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  12. Wow, this is a big city for graffiti - you found so many! Love the one with the snail! Am happy for you, you found some blooming cherry trees:) That was a great tribute to the fallen, Jackie! Heard about the shooting, but not about the plane crash:( That lunch that was not up to par, was thinking, they must have lost their usual chefs, there:(
    Had No idea you went out with mask and gloves out every time. It somehow makes it a bigger deal to me. Love the first sign, and also the one about Cinquo de Mayo and Taco Tuesday:) A meorable post, Jackie. You will probably look at this one later, and all kinds of memories will come up about this crazy impossible time. Many thanks for giving All Seasons several chuckles, and stay healthy and happy:) Jesh

  13. Some great wall murals. We are getting more in Powell River. Canada may be still closed for tourists, but I wish we were open for those of us stuck outside to come home. I know quarantine is important, but not being able to get food and necessities when we return makes it impossible, at least for us with no family to help. - Margy


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