
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Summer in the City

Jesh is hosting this meme 90 Days of Summer
Sometimes I like to say or show
something that does not fit in any meme, theme or challenge
– or, think it does not fit anywhere.
ONE RULE- give it a title or say “what” it is – ONE PHOTO ONLY!

July 2019 - Toronto ON

Looking west, not towards downtown.


  1. Great idea, I would do the same - Westward - but on second thought ouch, I already had a sunburn last week in Southern Calif. (the last one was probably a decade ago!) Too bad "they" didn't make the beach a little bigger ...
    Many thanks for linking to 90 days of summer!

    1. Normally the beach would be a little bigger, but the water levels in Lake Ontario and the other Great Lakes is exceptionally high this year.


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