
Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday Mural

I'm linking up at Monday Mural

January 2019 - Mazatlan Mexico

Some murals we found as we strolled along Av Camarón Sábalo.

Mary's Burgers/Casita Maria
The rose/bow-tie are over the washroom doors.

Sadly, the mural, that I had named Mary, on the side street beside Mary's, is now gone.

Further along is El Cochito Sinaloense restaurant. Click here for a 2017 post when it had another name.

On the side street across from Starbucks.

Inside the parking lot.

On the way I caught this mural at the entrance to a restaurant.


  1. All great murals. I really like the first but not keen on the linked Mary.

  2. ...I like the first one best.

  3. Wow, they´re all great - "lobster" or/and tiger are my favs!

  4. The restaurant entrance one is my favourite.

  5. Great finds Jackie. Love the first one and the lobster too.
    Thanks for participating.


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