
Monday, August 13, 2018

Cee;s Odd Ball Challenge

Cee's Odd Ball Challenge

The rules are - no rules.
Odd Ball Photos are those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category. We’ve all taken them and like them, because we just can’t hit delete and get rid of them. If you have any of those type of photos, this challenge is for you.
Oddball: noun a person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming
adjective whimsically free-spirited; eccentric; atypical

August 2018 - Toronto ON

In The Bay shoe department last week. It kept us entertained for a while.

So let's do some math. Originally #1,300.00

Save 60% now $520.

Take another 85% off lowest price now only $78!!!


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