
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday Treasures

Tom the backroads traveller hosts this weekly meme. 

I am reposting this from 2014 as it is fun to re-read some of our travels.

November 2007 - Cairo Egypt

On our first day our second stop was Giza for the pyramids and Sphinx.

The Pyramids of Giza are over 4500 years old. They were built as the burial places for Khufu, Khfare, and Menkaure, three Pharaohs during the Old Kingdom.

Despite the efforts of many people to dismantle and plunder them, they have survived to this day. They are visible proof of the superb mathematical, construction and organisational skills of the ancient Egyptians. This was serious project planning!!!
They are the only remaining original Seven Wonders of the World.

Funny but I really enjoyed taking photos of the colourful camels, should have taken more!


  1. What an amazing adventure! Great pics, especially the camels :)

  2. You know I've only wanted to visit one place for most of my life and that has been to see Ireland (still haven't) but now that I think about it Egypt might have to be on that list too. So many great things to see there. Loved your photos.

  3. Wow! What an amazing place to travel to

  4. Beautiful shots. The pyramids are one of those few things that we probably never know when they first enter our conscious thoughts... it's as if they're always with us.

  5. I've always wanted to visit the pyramids since I was a little girl! Perhaps one day ...

  6. Love your Egyptian photographs. I am not sure that we will ever get there, so I look forward to more. I love camels too.

  7. Beautiful shots. I've never visited the pyramids thinking they'd be a tourist trap but seeing your photos make me want to change my mind. Thanks!

  8. I have always wanted to visit the Pyramids. I like your up close photos that show how jagged the steps are. From far away, it looks so smooth and even. What is that ravine/moat by the pyramids?

  9. Thanks for bringing back some great memories. I spent a month in Egypt in 2004, and would love to go back. I would still be wandering around the museum if I had my way!

  10. ...just one question Jackie, did you take a camel ride? These sure are ancient treasures. I hope that you are enjoying you v acation, please stop back again.

    1. No, we didn't. A little too dirty and mangy for us.

  11. What a wonderful place to visit. The camels are very colorful. Thank you so much for sharing!

  12. Jackie, ancient treasures indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  13. So very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Hi Jackie, in the bland desert these colorful decorated camels take the prize! My brother suggest more than onze I would like Egypt, but never got to it:):)
    Apropos, I don't know why I don't see your thumbnail pic - did you forget, or did you think, because your journey took place in the past, you couldn't show it? After a few months in the beginning, that requirement was done away with, once I realized that in the North the winter is too long, to hold that rule. So, still hope to see you at All Seasons before Wednesday 7 pm, Pacific time! Have great week:)


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