
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Let's Chew the Fat

Grove City PA Spring 2014

July 2017 - Toronto ON


Finally, a sunny warm day and we took the bus to City Hall for the Art Show.

We went up to the podium roof garden to get this view.

This is the city's largest roof garden, and it is surprising that more people don't come up.

Just a sample here.

Colourblock by Janet Panabaker such fun ceramic pieces.

We also liked Brian Harvey's paintings. He really evokes a feeling of Toronto.
From his website Dundas Street 2010.

Dundas West, Evening

Another favourite Peer Christensen.

We stopped to have a drink in the shade.

There were three wedding parties doing photos within a few feet of each other.

University Ave on the steps of the Boer War Memorial.

Osgoode Hall

Osgoode Hall.

I have the bright idea we should take the subway home. John wanted the bus, the streetcars are not running due to track replacement.
Get on subway at Osgoode, go north change to westbound at St. George.
Image result for subway map

Settled in to hear announcement that their is no service this weekend between Ossington and Jane due to maintenance. Shuttle buses will be available.
Now in all my years as a subway rider I have never actually seen these "shuttle buses" I have always assumed they are a figment of the TTC's imagination.
It is absolutely chaotic at Ossington, with a bunch of volunteers standing around with their thumbs...No crowd control.
People are taking photos of the crowds and tweeting out. BTW, TTC, I have yet to hear a response from you...
 25 minutes and we finally get on a bus. Oh, look, a detour on Bloor due to a street festival. Finally get on subway at Jane to go ONE 1 uno stop to Old Mill to get bus home.

If we had gone John's way... 501 bus along Queen St. W short walk home.

Anyhoo...home to a well deserved beer!
Dinner was easy, cheeses, pate, bread and crackers.

inSPIREd Sunday
One Word Sunday
Six Word Photo

After the debacle with the subway yesterday we decided we were not going anywhere today!

For dinner I did a roast chicken, mashed and roast potatoes and broccoli.

Monday Mural
Good Random Fun
Foto Tunes

We went out for a while with a couple of missions in mind.

The first was to find a mural at Jimmy's Coffee Shop on Gerrard at Bay. This we did and had a coffee. See a future post on this.

Here is a sample of the coffee beans for sale. Do you see a theme?

I also posted their sign in this week's Wordless.

Next up was to find some other sculptures at Bay and College. Click here to see the sculptures outside Toronto Police Headquarters.

We were surprised to see that there was a police museum! Who knew? We decided to visit it. Click here for lots of photos and fun tales.

Dinner was sweet and sour meatballs with a cabbage salad with this new dressing.

We tried this salsa and it is finally a salsa that is worthy of the adjective hot! And it was on special for 2.99.

As were their nachos.

Tuesday Treasures

John went golfing and I picked up some stuff for baking.
First I made bread crumbs (gluten free) from frozen leftover bread.
Then I made raspberry cream cheese cake.
And an orange yogurt loaf.

Dinner was penne with vodka sauce, something I haven't made in a long time.

I spent the morning "chewing the fat" with a neighbour. Then headed downtown with an idea of going to Chinatown and picking up some stuff.

But I got sidetracked with murals and sculptures and new buildings and never made it.
Financial District - Sculpture
Front St West - Sculptures

Here were some of the sights I encountered.

A mural I have walked passed thousands of times when I worked in the King/Front St. area. It is in the underground path in Metro Hall. We have miles of paths beneath the city that are perfect for hot, cold or rainy days.

I was surprised to see these lovely buildings still standing although the mural on its side is definitely worse for the wear.

This is the mural in 2010 when I worked around here. Painted in 1986 by muralist Bill Wrigley. The photo was taken on my Blackberry!

The Toronto list of heritage properties states that the house was built in 1858. 
In 1876, Henry Seaton Strathy purchased the property at 298 Adelaide Street, and the Toronto Heritage list states that a Mansard roof was added in that year. Henry Strathy was born in Edinburgh in January of 1833. He first lived in Montreal, where he was a founding member of the Montreal Stock Exchange. In Toronto, he was head of the Federal Bank of Canada at 17 Wellington Street West. 
In all the years I worked near here I never saw anyone coming or going into the New York Fur shop downstairs. But then who wears furs nowadays?

A new mural on the side of a restaurant Kiin, a new Thai spot on Adelaide.

I showed you the interior of this building a few weeks ago but didn't get a photo of the outside. Solved.

I was kept busy at the corner of Peter and Richmond. When I first worked in this area in the early part of this century, (my gawd, that makes me sound old) the eccentric intersection of Peter and Richmond streets,has been transformed from a lonely, bleak corner in a district of elderly warehouses to a hub of inner-city intensification.

During the 1870s, the site at the corner of Peter and Richmond Streets was the private estate of a barrister, Mr. Charles McGrath DCL, The estate contained several out-buildings for stabling horses and carriages, and living space for servants.

His widow remained in the mansion until the year 1900, when the property was sold to Judge Walter. In 1903, Mr. Augustus Walker II moved in and remained on the state until 1911. In 1912, George Weston purchased the property and demolished the estate to construct his new bakery. It is the walls of this structure that remain on the site today.

Tableau Condominiums so named for the table like four storey podium.
The colonnade is home to an artwork by Shayne Dark, called Nova, which pierces through the openings in the table top podium,

Directly across the street stands this historic building, I didn't find any background on it but did see that the yellow one has a proposal to the city to demolish it for a condo.

From there I went into 401 Richmond. 401 Richmond is a historic warehouse in downtown Toronto and home to over 140 cultural producers and microenterprises. Originally the site of the Macdonald Manufacturing Company, a tin lithography factory at the turn of the 20th century, 401 Richmond is now a thriving arts and culture hub.

The future of 401 Richmond, the arts and cultural hub inside an old factory building on Richmond at Spadina, is in jeopardy thanks to its climbing tax bill.

Spacing Store is the  retail offshoot of the magazine of the same name. I treated myself to a new book to go along with the sculpture book Creating Memory I bought a couple of weeks ago.

Toronto Architecture: A City Guide by Patricia McHugh

There are always ongoing changing art exhibits.

So I never did get to Chinatown. It was gone 3 PM by the time I got to Queen St. it was hot so I decided to head back home.

Dinner was a beef stew to use up a piece of meat we had.

Thursday Doors
Where's My Backpack Travel Theme

The plan was to go for a mani pedi but it decided to rain. Postponed.

But we didn't change our plans for lunch since we grab the shuttle at our door and when we get to Union Station we can get to the restaurant underground. The temperature had also dropped from 28C when we got up to 18C once it began to rain.

toronto path map directory

We did our annual odyssey to Red Lobster for their crab fest.

The rain stopped when we finished lunch at 3 and the sun came out.

I took John to see Holy Trinity Church.

And the Labyrinth. The city's most popular labyrinth and the site of official events is tucked away behind the Eaton Centre at Trinity Square Park. It has a 73 foot diameter, making it one of the biggest in the city.

Labyrinths of this kind have one path that meanders towards the centre and can be found in parks, churches, wading pools, public spaces, and even traffic islands. Because they're usually just markings on the ground, sometimes the only way you'll spot one is to see someone doing a circuit.

A tourist family doing the circuit.

The new bridge between the Eaton Centre is taking shape. It replaces the 40 year old one and is much more appealing.

Then we checked out the brains at City Hall - will post next week.

Then I dragged took John into my favourite book store, a quiet spot amid the hustle and bustle of Yonge St.

Then we "needed" some chocolate so we were into FCP to Lindt.

And I found more brains as John used the ATM. Click here for this week's brains.

Home to tuna sandwiches for dinner...and chocolate.

Friday Finds
Weekend Reflections
Weekend Green Toronto Peace Garden at City Hall

I headed out early for a mani pedi, it is so peaceful along the lake that early.

John went to play golf and I set off for a ramble with a few ideas in mind.

I checked out the sculpture outside the Sony Centre. I'll do a post on the sculpture another time.

Then I came across the brain at the Sony Centre, in the link above.

Then I thought I would head up to St. James Cathedral.
Cathedral Church of St. James is the home of the oldest congregation in the city. The parish was established in 1797. The Cathedral, with construction beginning in 1850 and opening for services on June 19, 1853, was one of the largest buildings in the city at the time. 
Side entrance.

Then I remembered I had read this week that there is a labyrinth in the Metropolitan Church.

Metropolitan United Church is a large neo-Gothic church. It is one of the largest and most prominent churches of the United Church of Canada.

I didn't take a photo of the outside because it is under major renovation.
My main reason to visit was to see the labyrinth.
This is based on the famous labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral.

Oh I found this mural in a laneway at Queen St. East Henry's is a fabulous camera shop.

I also walked through St. James Garden and managed to get some shops in as well before going to the market for vegetables and meat for the weekend.

Dinner is our weekly steak, baked potato and broccolini.


I realize I have not kept count of the books I have read, I will rectify that.

I finished The Decent Proposal it didn't live up to my initial feelings, in fact it left me rather deflated.

I started The O'Briens it has kept my interest because much of it is set in Montreal where I grew up. But, really, who could like Joe? Or some of the other family members. But I am a sucker for a family saga that extends from 1887 through 1960 covering three generations of the O'Brien family as I enjoy the history.


Friday Photo Journal

Weekend Cooking hosted by
Beth hosts Weekend Cooking where you can post anything food related.


  1. Love the murals, some people are so talented. It's always nice to explore the city with you and your writings.
    I was wondering if the O'Brians was a good book. I like family sagas. Just finished book two of the Daughters of Ireland series and that's one where you follow several generations. I like that.

  2. What an eclectic post full of interesting discoveries! Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  3. I didn't know about the second labyrinth, but I've seen the first. There is one of them in the church hall at Christ Church Cathedral here.

    I've never been up to the podium at New City Hall, actually. For whatever reason, I thought it was just a driveway up there.

  4. Great photos! Thanks for sharing Toronto with us.. I especially liked the brides on the steps and the Cathedral..

  5. You are such a busy bee! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  6. I have a son named James, so I would love to buy the Jimmy coffee for him.

  7. What a great display of photos! I like the Harvey painting too! Looks like Love was in the air! Always fun to see Brides and grooms. So magical!

  8. Heavens! I think I'll just stop on the roof garden. :) :)
    Thanks, Jackie.

  9. You're making me so curious of Toronto - all the things to see and places to go! The building with the funky pillars has me mesmerized (this must take a great deal of skill mathematically and architecturally). Sling about the weddings, in San Diego there is a park like that, no matter when we come, there's always a wedding going on! Many thanks for sharing the experience of the city with All Seasons:) Have an adventures week, Jackie!

  10. You squeeze so much into your posts

  11. The art show looked like fun. It doesn't look like mass transit was very obliging :)

  12. Love that spilling coffee at the top of the post. Too funny to spot three wedding shoots all next to each other. I love all the art and the buildings and the murals -- that new guide looks like a good companion to the other one. I didn't realize there were so many labyrinths in Toronto.

  13. Okay my favorites in this post were the old electric fry pans and those stunning brides. I always stop and photograph couples posing for their wedding photos, there is such a joy that permeates the air around them. Fun post, Jackie.

  14. A bollard on wheels? (And I had to skim by the eye. For all that it's similar to the Our World Tuesday sign, it's pretty creepy. (I've always been a bit disconcerted by that image too!)

  15. Thank you for the cyber tour of Toronto.

  16. Enjoyed the cyber tour of Toronto very much. I had no idea that there is so much to see and do. Glad you were able to share it.

  17. Looks like you had an interesting time in Toronto. It's somewhere I'd like to go one day.

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


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