
Saturday, July 1, 2017

inSPIREd Sunday

In honour of Canada's 150th birthday I am going to repost some of the churches around Toronto this week.

Toronto was long called "The City of Churches." Aerial views of the 19th century show a landscape mostly of small low structures, punctuated all over by spires.

St. Andrew's King St. West

Holy Trinity near Eaton Centre

St. James King St. East

Our Lady of Mount Carmel near AGO

Holy Blossom now St. George 

Church of St. Vincent Roncesvalles Ave

Little Trinity Corktown

Church of the Redeemer Bloor and Avenue Rd

St. Andrew by the Lake Toronto Island

St. Michael


  1. ...a great collection, but I wasn't quite ready for the snow!

  2. I've had so much fun seeing all of yesterdays Canada 150 celebrations. Love your photos of Toronto! #Sundaysinmycity

  3. On this humid day, that first view with so much snow was nice to see!

  4. Beautiful churches! Most I am familiar with, but not all.


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