
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Kalamazoo Churches

September 2016 - Kalamazoo MI

Click here for more photos of Kalamazoo.

Some churches as we strolled around. There were quite a few of various denominations surrounding Bronson Park.
In 1834, Titus Bronson, the founder of Kalamazoo (once named Bronson Village) donated some of his land to what later became known as Bronson Park. He donated space to the first four religions that became incorporated into the village according to law. The land amounted to 64 square feet for each religious dwelling. The first sermon of each was held in Bronson's home, which is where St. Luke's Episcopal Church now sits.

The original five churches that were included in the Bronson Park churches were the Baptist Church, First Congregational Church, First Presbyterian Church, First Reformed Church, and the First United Methodist Church. These churches were founded by less than 100 people and have served southwest Michigan for a combined total of over 800 years.

The First Presbyterian Church that is located on the south side of Bronson Park.

First Reformed, it appeared to be closed/under renovations?

I'm not sure which church is the one with the steeple on the left. On the far right you can see the First Baptist.

The Baptist faith reached this portion of the Michigan Territory in 1826 when a missionary preached to the Potawatomie living in this area. In 1836, a year before Michigan became a state, fourteen settlers met in a frontier home to organize the First Baptist Church.


  1. Original story and nice churches.
    Thanks for sharin images and informations.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Great collection of churches

    Thank you for linking up

  3. Very interesting founding stories of these churches. They are all nice structures.

  4. Thanks for the tour down "Church Street."


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