
Friday, March 25, 2016

Lenora Carrington


February 2016 - Guanajuato Mexico

When we were in Guanajuato we saw many sculptures around town done by Lenora Carrington.

Leonora Carrington established herself as both a key figure in the Surrealist movement and an artist of remarkable individuality. Her biography is colorful, including a romance with the older artist Max Ernst, an escape from the Nazis during World War II, mental illness, and expatriate life in Mexico. In her art, her dreamlike, often highly detailed compositions of fantastical creatures in otherworldly settings are based on an intensely personal symbolism. The artist herself preferred not to explain this private visual language to others. However, themes of metamorphosis and magic, as well as frequent whimsy, have given her art an enduring appeal.

Serpiente Voladora or Flying Serpent

Gato de la Noche or Night Cat

Inventora del Atol or Inventor of Atol. Atol is a traditional cornstarch-based Central American hot drink.

Cato or Cat

You can get a glimpse the statue of Diego Rivera behind the cat.

 The Palmist

Tamborilera or Tambourine player is outside the University.

The Ship of Craner

Insecto or Insect.

My favourite.

"I didn't have time to be anyone's muse... I was too busy rebelling against my family and learning to be an artist."


  1. Thank you so much for these! I've read some of her short stories, but never seen any of her sculptures.

    1. Thanks, Katherine. I spent most of yesterday reading various articles about her. I really enjoyed how they were displayed in Guanajuato as street art, everywhere you turned.
      I'm going to look for some of her short stories.

  2. I liked all the installations....especially the Tambourine player.

  3. She has a very unusual style, but I do like it. My favourites are the cats.

  4. Sculpture is probably my favorite art form. These are lovely. I especially like the way you photographed them showing the settings in which they are placed.

  5. Some of these are really beautiful, Jackie. Thanks so much for sharing them. :)

  6. Wow...what beautifully evocative sculptures!

  7. What experiences she had in her life. Thank goodness she had her art to help her process it all. I love that she was an expat in Mexico and bestowed her sculptures on them.

  8. I love, love the work of this artist. Thanks for introducing her. Do you know if there is a guide or walking tour pamphlet to find her sculptures in Guanajuato?

  9. I love these pieces, and the installations around the town look like they are in amazing settings. Thanks for introducing a new (to me) artist!

  10. Very cool. I did not know about this artist until your post. Fascinating. I'll have to look up more information on her.

    Lisa @ LTTL

  11. seguendo le tracce di Jo sono arrivata in Messico...scoprendo immagini che mi hanno ancor più entusiasmato per il viaggio programmato in mEssino per questa estate, grazie mille!

  12. What a beautiful sculptures. Would be great to be so artistic myself ;) #TPThursday

  13. Hi Jackie! These are all jaw dropping gorgeous! My favorite are the cats, but I would love to see them all. Just one more reason to head to Mexico again, one of these days. Thanks for linking up this week. #TPThursday


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