
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sepia Saturday Oct 25

Sepia Saturday

                                        251: Bobbies, bellies, bums, brushes, beards, brass buttons, boys in blue

In looking through old family photos none of the men seem to have much facial hair. One of my grand uncles, Alec, did sport a mustache as long as I knew him.

My husband, John has had facial hair for most of the time I have known him. Mustaches, goatees and beards over the years. 

1979 Cancun Mexico

This photo is from 1986 taken in London England. 


  1. Your husband’s beard suits him very well in both photographs. Not every man can carry them off.

  2. I agree with Little Nell...very handsome man - very handsome beard.

  3. He does seem suited for a beard. I like having one- though my dad occasionally asks when I'll shave it. He grew one once, for seven weeks, and he looked good... but ended up shaving it all off. My mother was not happy with him!

  4. I like short well-trimmed beards & moustaches well enough, but the men of yore tended to grow them long & bushy - not my cup of tea.

  5. Yes - a beard definitely suits your husband. Not all men are so lucky.

  6. Your husband's beard does suit him very well, and he’s sporting a cracking tan in the first picture.

  7. My attempts at a beard only looked ginger and not at all inspiring. Very few men look good in a beard but your husband certainly did.

  8. I agree -- he looks great in a beard.

  9. Dark beards are attractive, but I guess they inevitably turn grey or white in rime.

  10. Correction - that should have read 'in time'.


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