
Monday, October 13, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. For this meme, bloggers post what they finished last week, what they're currently reading, and what they plan to start this week.
My comments are not meant to be recaps of the story lines as I include a link to Goodreads for their synopsis of the book. I am merely stating how I felt about the book without giving any spoilers.


ABANDONED - title?
Thirty Girls

Fever of the Bone (Tony Hill & Carol Jordan, #6)
Synopsis here.

Typical police procedural but as always Val McDermid gives us a pleasing page turner.

The Glass Harmonica
In a snowy stormy night, retired Keith O’Reilly sees a pizza delivery man kill neighbor Dennis Conners, architect and “come-from-away”. The McKay Street house to house narrative unfolds secrets: Collins' legal and financial problems, O’Reillys' violence, three new couples' romances, inner battles over right and wrong for both a criminal and a private detective, challenges of outsiders, and the two senior citizens, Albert and Edythe, who witness all. Shared experiences differ, and distortions influence truth for character and reader. Residents' views vary: their lives, one another, and the events, savage and tender, that bind them together.


  1. Good Job on your "read so far". I set a personal goal of 72 books and I am scrambling to reach that number. Sometimes, life just gets in the way! It's all good though.

  2. I think that one you've just started sounds intriguing!


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