
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sepia Saturday

Sepia Saturday

Today's theme is:
Things are slowly but steadily improving here in Sepia Towers and a couple more weeks and a little time in the sun might see me back in circulation. When we do venture into the recuperative sun I doubt whether we will be staying under canvas, but I hope we are as happy as this trio of happy campers. For the themers in the sepia tent, there are lots of possibilities - children, tents, fences, fields, poppies, smocks, or even sailor-suits again. And, as always, you can pitch your tent in the non-theming section of the campsite and go with any old photograph you like. 

Winter 1962

My sister and I were Brownies and Girl Guides (Girl Scouts in the States). I went on the be a Brownie leader.
Girl Guides were my first and only ever camping adventure. I don't do camping at all. I would not be a happy camper.

My parents were not great photographers!!! Someone is always missing part of their head.
I'm guessing we are about 7 and 10, BTW that is me on the left. We are in our home on Carleton Ave. in Montreal.

We sold Girl Guide cookies as well, going door to door, unlike nowadays.

I googled girl guide 1960 uniforms and came up with this photo of Princess Anne in her Brownie uniform in 1960.
I guess her parents were better photographers LOL! Better camera too.

When my sister was in Guides my mother volunteered as a Guide leader at St. Malachy's, our parish. Mom is on the far right in her very stylish 1967 (ish) uniform. She loved being involved and would go camping every summer, a very happy camper.
I don't recognize the girls, I will post on Facebook and see if I get any information.


  1. It occurs to me that of all my siblings, I think only one brother did any of those activities.

  2. I was in Brownies and Girl Scouts. Not sure about both my sisters? I know one was. My own daughters were also Brownies and Scouts. All leaders, so far as a know, made the experience fun and educational in many different ways. Back then, we sold cookies door-to-door, and went camping, and earned badges and the whole Maryanne. I still remember, with surprising clarity, my acceptance ceremony into the Brownies. I think I was 7 years old at the time, so it's amazing I remember so much about it. I must have been quite impressed! Strangely, I only have a fleeting memory of my "fly up" to Girl Scouts a few years later.

    1. Oh my, I had forgotten about "flying up" to Guides. That was one of my favourite ceremonies as a Brownie leader.
      And all those badges!

  3. I grew up on the New York/Ontario border so remember seeing Girl Guides come to the St Lawrence Seaway to see the locks and huge ships and to camp at the state park on the river ... I loved the uniforms and always wanted to be a Girl Scout, but alas, my mother was a non-conformist no Scouts for me ... until I had daughters of my own! What fun we had in Scouts!

  4. Lots of Girl Guides from many counties among Sepians!

  5. You sound like me -- I was a Brownie and Girl Scout and I became a leader when my girls were in Scouts. My only camping experience was through Scouts. That's enough for me.

    1. Wendy, it certainly appears that we are alike. No less than a Holiday Inn (at the very least) for me!

  6. My boys were in the cubs but I don't ever remember them camping. I don't think my daughter camped out on her outward bound course - not for her, she had to be colour coordinated!

  7. I was neiter a brownie of a girl guide so never got to go away to camp anyway. My daughter was a brownie and really enjoyed it. I believe the uniforms have changed somewhat since your pictures too.

  8. I can remember going door-to-door selling the cookies and then a few weeks later returning to deliver them. What I can't remember is what type of cookies they were. These days I have to search out Girl Scouts to get my annual cookie fix of Thin Mints. I buy several and put them in the freezer. Then as the year goes by I dole them out like gold.

  9. Those uniforms are very different than the ones in the United States.

  10. I think I am past the point of being a Happy Camper myself. Too much work and not enough comfort.

  11. Nicely done. I don't have any photos in guide uniform but i still have my badge and the card listing the tests.


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