
Friday, June 20, 2014

This Week

June 2014
I haven't done one of these in a long time but this was a busy cooking week and I actually took some photos!

I've been on a campaign to use up stuff from the pantry and freezer.


Homemade pizza with stuff already in the freezer - the green pepper and mushrooms were languishing in the fridge from earlier in the week. The pepperoni, cheese, pizza crust and sauce were in the freezer.

Oatmeal raisin cookies - I had a box of instant oatmeal packages apple and cinnamon (just add water) and managed to use all of them except for two in this recipe.

Peanut butter and banana muffins bananas were too ripe and my husband didn't like this peanut butter. Even managed to use the last of the above mentioned oatmeal.

Pineapple banana bread lone can of pineapple in pantry and more over ripe bananas.

Pork tenderloin with mushy peas and mashed potatoes.

Shrimp and kielbasa jambalaya

Slow cooker spare ribs

Mussels - so I bought two packs of mussels at Costco, came home and popped them into the freezer. Took them out (facepalm) and realized the box said DO NOT FREEZE. Well, duh, of course not, they were LIVE.
Googled it, could I still use them? Decided to throw them out, how was I to know what was a good mussel from a bad mussel????
Went out and got two pounds of fresh mussels for $5.69. Made them for the first time in a wine sauce. The sauce was good but was not as tasty as I would like. Will have to research a better recipe.

Received my delivery of four serving dishes from Kitchen Stuff. I also got a black casserole as they had a coupon for it for $10.  While making said mussels above, I thought I'd use this casserole (brain fart), put the butter in and turned on the burner. Well, naturally, a few moments later we heard a loud crack as the pot split in two. Why I thought I could use it on the stove I'll never know.

Dinner at the Granite Club - our financial advisors moved to a new firm and celebrated with a dinner for their clients. Open bar, appetizers, quiche on warm apples slices, filet mignon and a chocolate dessert. The wine flowed at dinner.  Some speeches. Good company with Linda's sister Tannis, David and Tracy, Tina and Celine.

Gift of champagne 



Chicken wings and beer with my niece and nephew, their Dad and partner in a local pub. Company great pub not so much.

Some new purchases over the last month.
I got this Buddha for $45 at Pier One because she had a slight paint chip on the sash. Fixed with a dab of paint!

The two plants of the right were only $10 each.

 Finally found a larger rug for the living room.

New end tables.


A friend's garden

SUNSET shot of the week


  1. You've been busy! And the city's going to be very busy for the next few days.

    I love banana bread, and the idea of adding pineapple to the mix sounds good.

  2. I love how you used up your extra freezer and produce items; excellent job!

  3. SO many gorgeous pictures! Your friend's garden looks amazing!

  4. I love your freestanding elephant! And your food ... Ahhhh. Love the look and sound of everything. Plus you got to clear out the pantry and freezer [color me jealous]. Awesome shopping!

  5. I really need to clean out my freezers. Your post just reminded me of that. So many meals just waiting to be thawed...if I remember to get things out in time.

  6. This is such a great meme! Thanks for introducing it to me and for stopping by my blog earlier :) It's always nice to meet a fellow Torontonian. I can't wait to do this meme next week.
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  7. Love your Bhudda. Cheers from CArole's Chatter


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