
Monday, June 30, 2014

It's Monday! What are you reading?


It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. For this meme, bloggers post what they finished last week, what they're currently reading, and what they plan to start this week.
My comments are not meant to be recaps of the story lines as I include a link to Goodreads for their synopsis of the book. I am merely stating how I felt about the book without giving any spoilers.

A slow reading week but City of Ice was a long book.

1 not finished as it expired so I will have to borrow it again. The Nightmare

Becoming Josephine

Very loosely based on Josephine's life. It is described as historical fiction, however it is not that hard to get facts correctly. But is was the conversational sections that drove me crazy. Who said "end of story", not to worry"
in the 18th century??? And the one that grated the most was how many times the word vacation was used.

Ice Lake

As John Farrow's Ice Lake opens, a corpse, shot through the neck, is found under the ice in a fishing hut on a frozen lake near Montreal. It's the dead of winter in a region that Farrow (a pseudonym for literary author Trevor Ferguson, whose critically acclaimed novels include The Fire Line) knows like the back of his hand: its back alleys and distant suburbs, its ethnic diversity and big city evil, the long black nights and searingly bright days of its unrelenting winters. He also reveals intimate knowledge of the diverse power groups that drive the novel's plot: the biker gangs, the Mohawk Warriors, the Mob, the bigwigs in the lucrative pharmaceutical industry looking to cash in on an AIDS cure, the various police forces with their petty animosities and territorial conflicts.

After being exasperated with Becoming Josephine I thought I'd go back to another book by John Farrow.


  1. Becoming Josephine is on my hold list at the library. I just finished The Nazi Officer's Wife. An excellent read that I highly recommend.

    1. I just added The Nazi officer's Wife to my TBR, thanks@


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