
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sepia Saturday - Apr 5

Sepia Saturday

I'm posting at Sepia Saturday today. This week's challenge:

Danger is an odd thing. In our moments of sanity we all steer well clear of danger, but in those moments of exuberant insanity, we sometimes search it out in order to experience the thrill of the challenge. Why else would you get people sky-diving or sailing blindfold across the Pacific Ocean or cultivating nettles? But one man or woman's danger is another man's relaxing lunchtime drink. Here is a photograph from the Dextra photostream on Flickr Commons which I would really like to tell you more about but I am constrained by my lack of - I suspect - Norwegian. Given the international flavour of the Sepia Brotherhood (Sisterhood), I am sure someone will let me have a translation of the  Flickr description. It doesn't really matter because we are concerned with images rather than words and what this image says to me is danger. So your challenge this week is to somehow link an old photograph with the concept of danger (or anything else you can find in the picture) - and, as usual, the links may be as direct or as obtuse as you wish. 

I couldn't really think of anything for this challenge so I decided to be silly instead. The photo above reminds me of this famous photo of the construction workers taking a break on a beam of the Rockefeller Center.

So I decided to use the souvenir photo that we had taken last September before we went to the Top of the Rock.


  1. Oh yeah -- I remember that photo-op on the tour but I didn't do it. Wish I had now.

  2. A fun entry - but it still made me shiver! Aiiiiii

  3. If the camera had been aimed lower, the scene would really look dangerous.

  4. A fun souvenir pic!

    I look at those old pics, and it impresses me how casual these guys looked.

  5. But you're not eating your lunch.

  6. I wouldn't even risk the souvenir photo shoot.

  7. Clever! Do they have a beam there you can pose on?

  8. That was very funny and a perfect photo to choose. Thanks for the laugh.

  9. Wow, I didn't know you could do that - we didn't go up - too many other things to do and see.
    If you were smoking that would have been really dangerous :)


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