
Saturday, March 15, 2014

inSPIREd Sunday

September 2013 - Manhattan New York

We stopped into St. Patrick's but it is under such extensive renovations that it was hard to get any good photos. There is scaffolding inside and out. 

it is undergoing a massive five-year, three-phase, $175 million renovation because of crumbling bricks, faulty heating, and acid rain and pollution that has eaten away at the Tuckahoe marble of the 135-year-old church.

The next time I would like to get some photos of the Stations of the Cross.

The cathedral, which can accommodate 2,200 people, is built of brick clad in marble, quarried in Massachusetts and New York. It takes up a whole city block, between 50th and 51st streets, Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue. At the transepts it is 174 feet wide and 332 feet long. The spires rise 330 feet (100 meters) from street level. The slate for the roof came from Monson, Maine.

 A blurry St. Patrick.


  1. Oh wow, I didn't know about this meme but I think I love it! The altar space is beautiful and I love the text on the banner! Thanks for sharing and have a good Sunday!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  2. i love your header shot - so awesome. who doesn't love M & M's?? ( :

    what a gorgeous church. love the tassels. what a neat design. love the altar & stain glass. what a beauty. i love the sign. sleeping & prayer. that's a match.

  3. I've been to St. Pat''s one of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen! You got some great shots, in spite of the construction, and I love the sign!

  4. wonderful intro and gorgeous colours - thankyou for sharing.
    I've posted St Patrick's Armagh today

  5. I've never gone there when in New York! It looks beautiful!
    You travel so much!!

  6. A perfect choice to post for St. Patrick's Day!
    «Louis» saw this magnificent church when he last was in Noo Yawk... but that's been more than 20 years ago...
    Nonetheless, he remembers the beautiful stained glass windows in this church.


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