
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Weekend Cooking

January 2014 - Mazatlan Mexico

As you walk along the Malecon in old Mazatlan you can buy almost anything. You can also snack as you walk. I am not a fan of oysters but always wanted to give it a try fresh from the water.

 We watched, in fascination, as they prepared them for locals.

 Not sure of the cost or protocol a gentleman standing beside us helped us out. You order by a half or full dozen. Half dozen costs 40 pesos or less than $4. 

Some salt, lime and hot sauce!

Our order is ready.

DH waiting with camera, not willing to give them a try.

Not bad, not bad at all!


  1. I love oysters , like mine with a little shallot dressing and lime .. We had some supplied by a Fish Restaurant in Oxford at a Book Shop relaunch ,, they were Fresh Scottish Oysters :-)

  2. What did you think? They could not have been more fresh, I think!

    Here's my Weekend Cooking post!

  3. I love oysters too -- in small batches and very fresh like you had. I used to get them Hawaii and they're popular on the Chesapeake

  4. I love oysters-just a little bit of lemon juice and away they go.

  5. Hmm I can say I am a fan of oysters but you can't get them any fresher than that!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  6. I've come to love fresh oysters too, they are best simply that way. I'm not sure if I'd try them in Mexico, the lime and hot sauce looks good though.


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