
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Theme Photo Thursday

I'm posting over at The Budget Travelers' Sandbox.

November 2002 - Arenal Volcano Costa Rica

Our first good digital camera was used on this trip and was the first time we could snap numerous photos without worrying about cost or running out of film.
Arenal Volcano regularly spewed enormous amounts of lava, gas and ash while we were there and it was very strange to feel "the earth move" as you soaked in the hot springs at the resort in Tabacon.

But then in 2010 that eruptive cycle – which began with the infamous eruption of 1968 – ended. In October 2010, Arenal entered into an indeterminate resting phase. For the time being, visitors will be unable to watch the much-loved explosions, although that could change within a matter of months or years.


  1. Never been here, looks like a great place for a nice hike with some amazing views.

  2. I recall the days of scoffing at digital cameras - "Not me! I'll use a 'real' one, thank you. . ." and then came the time to try one. What a lovely new world. . .I can imagine your joy when you could snap away at such a great site.

  3. You were so lucky to experience this before the volcano went into it's resting phase. Thank goodness for Digital.

  4. It must be weird to feel the earth move, knowing the next one might be *the* one. Glad that didn't happen while you were there and you have these beautiful images to share. Thanks!

  5. Nice volcano photos. I remember a period where I still preferred bringing my compact film camera over my bulky digital one while on vacations.

  6. All of the different vantage points really give you the feeling of being there.

    I host a weekly link party called "Oh, the PLACES I've been!" The link goes up at 7pm EST on Thursday. I hope to see you then!

    - The Tablescaper


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